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Hello, I am Sunya Notley of Emmaus Educational Services. I am delighted to partner with Michael Lane and Evidence 4 Faith (E4F) for this unique travel opportunity to Greece. I am serving as the trip administrator. It is always a joy for me to assist various Christian ministries, churches, colleges and universities in the planning of their trip to visit countries mentioned in the Bible. I welcome this occasion to assist you as we all work together to make your trip an opportunity for personal growth as well as an opportunity for a richer understanding of Scripture.
Do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions. I do encourage you to review the web material prepared for your trip. The web material is exhaustive and is there to assist you.
Each individual participant is required to complete the Emmaus online Application. Complete your Application even if you don't have a Passport at this time. You may supply your Passport information at a later date.
If you do not have a passport for travel or if your passport expires before March 10, 2026 you can find assistance by going to the Passport and Visa tab above. You do not need to obtain a visa to enter Greece if you are traveling with a US passport.
#3 PRIORITY: PASSPORT DOCUMENTATION You are required to supply Emmaus a color copy of the picture-page of your passport. Your copy will be used to help verify travel documents and any visa requirements. See the Passport and Visa tab above for more information.
First you must complete and submit the online Application. Once you have completed the online Application, please mail your $300 deposit check to Emmaus. See the Payment Schedule link for additional payment information.
Sunya Notley, Administrator
Emmaus Educational Services
115 Franklin Turnpike, Suite 185
Mahwah, NJ 07430
(845) 357-2090